Successor organization to The Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Inc. which was founded in 1967, The Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Professional Association, Inc. (CTACSPA) was organized in 2005 to promote the aims, interests, ideals and programs of the American College of Surgeons.
Successor organization to The Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Inc. which was founded in 1967, The Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Professional Association, Inc. (CTACSPA) was organized in 2005 to promote the aims, interests, ideals and programs of the American College of Surgeons.
Continuing Education:
Through our Annual Meeting, the Chapter provides high quality, low cost CME-credit eligible continuing education to Connecticut surgeons. In addition our meeting offers residents and medical students the opportunity to present research across several specialty areas. This is an excellent forum for residents to gain the experience needed to present competitively at national meetings and hone their research work while not having to leave Connecticut.
The Resident Committee presents an annual ABSITE prep course which went virtual in 2021 and had over 400 attendees. This vital training tool is provided at no cost to residents in Connecticut.
Advocacy and Health Policy:
Your Chapter draws on resources from the Colleges State Legislative Advocacy team and partners with the Connecticut State Medical Society and various specialty societies to advocate with the Connecticut General Assembly on issues impacting our members. We have co-hosted an Advocacy Day in Hartford for several years to assist you in communicating with your elected officials. We are also actively engaged in the College’s Leadership and Advocacy Summit and have sent Chapter leadership and residents to the event since its founding.
Member Services and Communication:
Your Chapter works diligently to communicate with you on a regular basis via email. In 2021, we adopted a new software platform to allow us to more effectively reach you by email which is our primary means of communication.
Through numerous active Committees, including, Awards, Program, Commission on Cancer, Advocacy and Health Policy, Committee on Trauma, Women in Surgery, Diversity and Inclusion, Young Surgeons, Residents, Medical Students, and Member Recruitment. Active participation in welcome from all Fellows in Connecticut that are Chapter members. Our Committees provide and excellent opportunity to grow your leadership skills and network with the College. Many of our Committee Chairs have gone on to become actively engaged with College Committees.
Diversity and Inclusion:
In December 2020, your Chapter formed a Committee on Diversity and Inclusion. We are working closely with the College’s Diversity Pillar as we develop this Committee.
Quality, Research, and Optimal Patient Care:
The Connecticut Surgical Quality Collaborative began its life as a committee of the Chapter. As it began to be awarded grants and grow its programs it morphed into its own corporation. The Chapter continues to provide support to the Collaborative and we have crossover leadership. The CtSQC successfully rolled out an ERAS program that has led to significant reductions in complications and concurrently reduced cost of care. The Collaborative also launched the Connecticut Geriatric Program for Surgery to identify a core set of factors we feel can have the greatest impact on the postoperative surgical trajectory, reduce complications, and preserve and retain the highest level of postoperative function and independence in this most vulnerable population.
Why Join?
We believe that the benefits of membership far outweigh our annual dues. Your involvement is essential to help maintain this vital organization which allows us to continue to deliver all of these resources to you. In this period of constant change in the socio-economic and scientific landscape, it is more important than ever that we speak and act in a cohesive voice.
All Fellows, Associate Fellows and Candidate group members of the American College of Surgeons are eligible and encouraged to join our group. Residents, medical students, and retired surgeons are automatically members of our Chapter at no cost.
Annual Connecticut Chapter dues are $250. New members are invited to join the Chapter at a special discounted rate of $225 for their first year of membership. Our membership year runs from January – December. Dues are not pro-rated.
How to Join?
By Credit Card – see above
By Mail: Please mail checks made payable to CTACSPA, Inc. and mail to CTACSPA, Inc., 65 High Ridge Road, PMB 275, Stamford, CT 06905.
Note: In accordance with IRS Code section 6603(e), 5% of your dues payment is not tax deductible as a business expense.